Sweet Tooth

Apple poptarts

One morning as we were trying to rush to get ready, I handed my son a poptart and oh boy, life has never been the same. At least once a week now he asks me for a poptart, and as much as I’d like to convince myself the “blueberry” on the inside is considered fruit, I know it’s not the best (albeit maybe easiest) breakfast to give him.  

Well, we had a major potty training breakthrough yesterday in our house. I was told twice(!) by our oldest over his monitor that he needed to use the potty and when I brought him to the bathroom, he actually did it! I was so proud of him, and even more proud of how happy he was for himself (the sweetest).

I figured after that milestone I’d make him his favorite breakfast of poptarts, but do it my way. I love Macoun apples and since we still had a few from my last grocery store haul I thought I’d whip some together for him. They can be relatively easy, especially if you have some premade pie crust. I didn’t have any on hand so I used a pie crust recipe I’ve used in the past. Enjoy!

Makes 8 pop tarts


Basic Pie Crust

  • 2 ½ cups flour
  • 3 TBS sugar
  • 1 cup cold butter
  • ½ cup cold water

Apple filling

  • 2 macoun apples (diced)
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1 TBS butter
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp cornstarch
  • pinch salt

Cinnamon frosting

  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 1 TBS water
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  • Make your pie crust, it needs to cool in your fridge for 45 minutes so start this first. Stir together the flour and sugar. Once mixed, add in butter, 1 tablespoon at a time, and start crumbling it up. To do this, you can either use your fingers, a fork or a pastry cutter, honestly all work relatively well. From here, add your cold water and use your hands until it begins to form a dough. If it’s took flaky add up to 2 TBS more of water.
  • Place your dough in plastic wrap and put in the fridge to set for 45 minutes.
  • Dice your apples and add them to a sauce pan, pour in your brown sugar, butter and cinnamon and cook on medium heat until apples are tender when touched with a fork (about 10 minutes). Add in your cornstarch and ensure it is dissolved. Once your apples are finished remove them from the heat and let cool, the cornstarch will help make your filling have a more jelly like texture than a normal pie filling.

Diced apples with butter & sugar
  • Once your dough has set turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and roll to a ¼ inch thickness. My rolling pin adjusts to measure thickness and I couldn’t recommend it more!
  • Cut out 16 pieces for the poptart tops and bottoms
  • Lay one piece of crust onto your worksurface and add 1 TBS of your filling. Add another piece of pastry and close the seams with a fork. Repeat until all poptarts are filled
  • Place the filled pastries onto a pre-greased pan and brush each top with an [egg white] egg wash.
  • Bake in a 375* oven for 20-22 minutes
  • Let cool before adding your frosting
  • Mix frosting ingredients and drizzle over the top of each tart!
  • Grab a glass of milk and ENJOY

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