Hikes & Trails

Higgins- Macallister Preserve – Scituate, MA

This morning was a lazy morning for us. We usually reserve our cartoon time for when the kids are eating lunch, they soak up that 45 minutes watching Buster the Bus, Stinky and Dirty or Sesame Street. Today was a different story, cartoons were on during breakfast and it was a great reminder for me why we never have them on that early. I think our oldest might have actually turned into a zombie watching whatever truck robot cartoon he had on.

It’s important to me that our family get outside everyday and enjoy some fresh air, which is why we go on so many hikes! Sometimes though, convincing everyone that’s what I have planned for us takes a little bit of work. Today I figured we’d so something short and sweet, so we decided on the Higgins – Macallister Preserve in Scituate.

We parked in the new parking lot at the end of Holly Crest Road in Scituate to start the loop through the woods. We walked about 5 minutes before we heard gun shots and immediately made our way back to the car. Once we figured out the trail was next to the Scituate Rod and Gun Club, and that hunting wasn’t allowed on Sundays, we decided to try the trail again. All in all it was a really pretty, although somewhat rough trail, however the constant shooting really was a downer. There were a lot of roots so not stroller friendly and it looked like the trail itself is a little on the newer side since some of the rock walls haven’t been cleared yet for walking. The trail didn’t scored very high on the bridge rating as there was only one, very nice & new, bridge at the beginning to cross a creek.

Overall we probably won’t do this trail again, definitely not ideal for the two kids and a skittish dog. The creek though is beautiful, and if you make it all the way around the 1.2 mile loop you’ll make it to the “Big Pine Tree” that has a 17 foot circumference, scroll down for a picture with us in front for scale!

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