
Matchbox car number matching garage

My oldest loves counting and he counts just about everything. He’s been able to count to 10 since he was 1 1/2 and recently we’ve been making it all the way to 20. Recognizing the numbers though, that’s a different story. He’s confident with numbers 1, 8 (since it kinda looks like frosty the snowman) and 10 but the other 7 are hit or miss.

One thing he’s always counting are his matchbox cars and, thanks to Santa, he’ll be able to learn how to count pretty high with the amount that were stashed in his stocking. We’ve been working on number recognition quite a bit recently and this was one of my favorite activities because they both really enjoyed playing with it, or sitting in it ha!

I used a cardboard box, some construction paper and some of our dot stickers to make the garage. I first glued black construction paper into the box as the gravel for the road. Then I cut out a white parking space for each car and glued them on top of the black. I also cut out yellow street lines he could use to drive each car to their spaces. I wrote the numbers 1-10 on each white space and above the numbers I put the corresponding number of dot stickers he’d be able to count to help recognize each number. Then, all you need to do is tape the numbers 1-10 to the top of the cars and you’re done!

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