Hikes & Trails

Griffin Dairy Farm – Abington, MA

The Griffin dairy farm is an old farm that stopped producing milk in the 70s. Piece of advice – make sure you tell your kids that or they’ll be asking you where the cows are for the entire time you’re walking. 

This was a very easy and flat, sometimes gravel, walk that was great for little kids {it’s only about 1/2 a mile} but also good for a stroller. To be honest there isn’t really too much to see, I think we’re pretty spoiled with all the water and trails around us, but my son still enjoyed it. I mean, there’s 2 bridges so of course he liked that and there was a tractor mowing the lawns when we were there so that was a big plus. 

If you’re interested, you can access the Rockland Rail Trail from there but otherwise just a short and sweet stroll! Plus, if you make it there in the summer it’s also where the Abington Farmers Market is held!

I honestly have no idea what this was, it was through the path on the left and some really big tractors were at the end, but I couldn’t find any information about what it was exactly

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