Hikes & Trails

Norris Reservation – Norwell, MA

I think Iโ€™ve driven by Norris Reservation at least 100 times on my way home from Target and have never stopped! Well we decided to go in September and I had no idea what I was missing out on.

This reservation is a Trustee location with almost 130 acres. With Covid restriction in the fall the trail was one way, although Iโ€™m not sure if that has changed since then, not that it really makes too much of a difference since you’re walking in a loop anyways, you most likely wouldn’t be turning around to backtrack.

There are three trails , the McMullan Trail, River Loop and Gordon Pond and we did the first two. Along the McMullan Trail when you make it to the North River you’ll see an Old Boat house. We’ve seen it a hundred times from a kayak and a boat but never from the woods and it’s really neat! The River Loop trail breaks off a few different times, check out the trail map before you go, but it’s really peaceful there and would totally recommend it!

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