Hikes & Trails

Whitney and Thayer Woods – Hingham, MA

I’ve driven by the Whitney and Thayer Woods atleast a thousand times! My office used to be in Downtown Boston, which I absolutely LOVED, it was so fun to be in the city! I would take the Hingham Ferry to Rowes Wharf three times a week and walk through the wharfs to get to my building. I swear, every single time I drove by the parking lot for these Woods they were packed! Didn’t matter if it was morning or night there were always people here!

Today, since it’s pretty nice out, we decided to head there and were not disappointed! I may have seen the sign a million times but I had no idea just how big or how many trails were back there! The whole system connects from Whitney & Thayer Woods, up through Wompatuck and over to Turkey Hill. We obviously didn’t make it that far but we did get to the giant boulder and boy did my son think that was cool!

We started out walking down the trail to the left through the woods. It lead us over a few hills before down a slope and over a bridge, technically there were two bridges because there was a little plywood that we had to walk over first, and I guess in our book ever bridge counts.

There was a bit of a tougher part after making our way over the bridge. It was basically just roots we had to climb to get up out of the woods, but if an almost 3 year old and a lady carry a 1 year old in a carrier could do it then I’d say you’re probably alright. After making it to the top we stopped at the Bigelow Boulder which made my son look like a tiny little ant. The Boulder was left behind by a glacier and is a great resting spot for a snack, which is always important! The trails here continue on for over 10 miles, but we headed back down the other side of the blue trail and back out to the parking lot. You could really spend all day hiking in this area moving from one trail to the next. We’ll definitely be back to explore some more and bring my husband to see the Boulder too!

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