
Toddler Busy Book

A few weeks ago we ventured to NH for a family get away [see my pervious posts about North Conway ๐Ÿ™‚ ] Before we left I put together a busy book for my son and it was a HIT, both with him and on my instagram page. I got so many questions about it and requests to create some that I went ahead and did!

These busy books are amazing, they are wonderful for independent play and encourage problem solving all while they make learning FUN. I created these and have been working on my Etsy store to get them up and out to you!

Each one of my busy books comes with 10 laminated pages along with a clear plastic envelope attached to the back so the Velcro pieces don’t get lost. If you are interested in purchasing one of my busy books please let me know!! You can either comment on this post or message me on my instagram account @humarockmom

I promise these books will give YOU enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee, or a glass of win, uninteruppted (if you drink it really fast ๐Ÿ™‚ )

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