
Dinosaur Stomp Sensory Tray

Have you ever heard the Dinosaur Stomp song by Mother Goose Club? It’s really cute, even after you listen to it for 3 weeks straight like we have…That song is literally stuck in my head every night after the kids go to bed. So as I sat there the other day singing it; dinosaurs have great big feet that stomp stomp stomp, I came up with an idea for this super cute sensory tray.

This takes at least a night to set up because of the water beads, unless you buy the “premade” ones that Michaels sells. I also used our left over chocolate ooblek that we made for some monster truck mud but that doesn’t need to be made ahead of time. Ooblek itself is great activity, it’s made with 1 part cornstarch and 1 part water and to turn it into mud I add 1/4 cup of chocolate powder. You can add in dinosaurs like we did, farm animals or make it a zoo, whatever your kid likes will work with this tray idea!

I definitely have a love hate relationship with water beads. My kids really enjoy playing with them, but once they start breaking them apart it turns into such a squishy mess! The bigger the beads, the better the smash. I also just started realizing how easy and addictive it was to dye rice for sensory play. Just add 1 cup rice, 1 TBS white vinegar and some drops of food coloring into a zip log bag and shake it around until you get the color you want. When it’s ready pour it out onto a cookie sheet to dry and then it’ll be ready to use. I made three different activities last week with dyed rice once I realized how much I, I mean they, liked playing with it.

Supplies: ooblek, water beads, dyed rice, pom poms, figurines

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