Hikes & Trails

Whitney Spur Rail Trail – Cohasset , MA

Today is definitely the pick of the week weather wise! With rain (or snow depending where you live) in the forecast the next few days I wanted to make sure I took advantage of the sun shinning down while it’s out! I don’t usually bring our youngest dog with us on hikes or trails since I always have the two kids but today I did since my oldest is at daycare. If you have a little one in a stroller, or looking for a nice walking area that isn’t through the woods you’re definitely going to want to book mark this trail.

The Whitney Spur Rail Trail, also known as the Cohasset Bike Path is a 1.7 mile trail that starts at the Cohasset MBTA train station and connects to numerous trails in the woods. The Rail Trail itself is a great spot for a stroller, a bike or even a run since it’s basically all stone dust, until you reach the one ish mile mark and then it switches over to a paved path.

The Rail Trail connects to a giant trail system, compromised of the Whitney and Thayer Woods, Turkey Hill, Weir River and Wompatuck State Park. There are hundreds of miles worth of trails and numerous off shoots along the bike path if you wanted to venture into the woods. Today I decided not to since I had the stroller (and the dog), but it was still so nice! The trail is lined with trees, boulders and streams which made for a peaceful morning walk.

If you ever been to the adjoining trails you know that they are all marked really well and the rail trail really isn’t any different. If you stay along the path you’ll see a bunch Trail QR codes that help in the event you wanted to take one of the tempting trails in the woods. I would recommend opening it on your phone since the entire area contains thousands of acres of forest you could literally hike all day!

From a rating standpoint, the rail trail couldn’t get a higher stroller rating, it’s flat, easy and open. I’ll of course be back for some more Wompatuckย hikes so we can meander through the woods and look for some bridges, but for now, I’m was totally satisfied with pushing the stroller and walking the dog here! ๐Ÿ™‚

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