
Back to School sensory bin

I think every day for the past 3 weeks I’ve said, “I can’t believe my little boy is starting preschool soon!” Well, I better believe it because it’s officially back to school time in our house with Preschool a week away. Since we’re in the mood for school I put together a few school centric activities for today. My littlest one really loved the bin I created and my oldest enjoyed the letter activity, although after a while we had the pasta in the beans and the letters riding the school buses but that’s okay! One of my favorite things about putting things together for them is to see how they actually use it, sometimes it’s as I intend but a lot of the time they play how they want which is a-okay by me!

Back to school bin

Back to school bin

The first bin I put together I called “Back to school” because it had a whole bunch of school related crafts, stickers, and school buses included inside. The base for this bin is dyed pasta, which takes a few hours to dry so I would recommend setting it up the day before you’re ready to use it. I used some rigatoni and paint, tossed them both into a zip lock bags, shake shake shake and viola, ready for some parchment paper to dry! Once I had that prepared I grabbed a bunch of school related things, which I still had left over from my sons 2nd school bus birthday party we never got to through him in March 2020, including some stickers, plastic school buses and some school bus rings. I also rummaged through my craft bins where I found red, yellow and green pom poms, pipe cleaners and a few clothes pin people I made for them last summer. After I grabbed all my supplies I just set them up inside a plastic bin and handed off to the kids so they could dig through!

Alphabet matching game

Alphabet matching game

For my second activity I used dried beans and dyed them blue and then hid letters underneath. For the beans I also used paint, same process as I did for the pasta, and also let them set up overnight. The letters we used were magnets, which is why I also used a cookie sheet, for some reason magnets are really fun to my kids, so have at it! The last piece of this activity was printing off the alphabet and also sticking that to the cookie sheet. My son had an absolute blast with this tray, I always appreciate when he likes something so much he takes it upon himself to redo the activity and this one he rehid the letters for himself at least a dozen times.

Off to Pre-K

Off to Pre-K

The last tray is an โ€œOff to Pre-Kโ€ collection Iโ€™ve been putting together including the latest edition of The Little Blue Truck series and some activity books. We have all the books from The Little Blue Truck series, including the Sing-a-long Beep Beep book, I love them all so much my sons 1st birthday theme was in fast, little blue truck!

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