
Apple Picking (for under $10)

It’s the beginning of October which can only mean one thing in New England, time for the most ‘basic’ fall activity there is, Apple Picking! There’s something about Apple Picking that we all just find so much fun, this year was actually the best one yet because we went to a super small local farm here in town and we all absolutely loved it! What did the kids love so much you ask? Ladders, tons and tons of real ladders for them to climb! Aside from being a fun family friendly activity, for all ages, Apple Picking can get a bit pricey, when you add in the apple cider and the apple donuts and maybe even a hay ride of two. Well, the great thing about this activity is that it doesn’t have to break the bank! Instead, it’s quite the opposite, you can throw it all together for under $10!

Let me start off this activity by saying, it’s tough being a not even 2 year old little sister! My poor little munchkin is at the perfect age where she sees and understands her big brother is doing a whole bunch of fun stuff, but she’s just a little too young to participate. But don’t worry girlfriend, come December when you turn 2 I promise I’ll sign you up to have you start rocking the dance floor and kicking that soccer ball around! Until then, it’s crafts in the playroom, which I must say, once she gets started she does (hopefully ๐Ÿ™‚ ) enjoy her time playing with Mummy.

Okay, now back to our Apple Picking. For this bin I reused some of my green and yellow pasta from the “Back to School” tray I posted a few weeks ago. Actually, if you go and check out that activity you’ll also see that I reused some of the same pom poms! The only other supplies needed here are construction paper, toilet paper rolls and Velcro or you can just use tape, I just happen to have some Velcro laying around because of the busy books I make.

The only part of this activity that you’ll really need to make and I use that term loosely because its really just grabbing a pair of scissors, are the trees. First up is a red, yellow and green piece of paper, cut them into the shapes of the tops of tree, then make two small cuts into the tops of your toilet paper rolls and stick the tops of the trees right inside. Make sure when you cut the rolls that you do it towards the back so the pom poms will still fit inside the top! Next if you’re using Velcro stick those to the trees and then put the assembled trees right into the bin! Dump in the pasta, pom poms and some tongs and you’re all set up!

My daughter played with this a few ways, first she color sorted all the pom poms out, then she stuck them all randomly onto the Velcro and finally she sat in the bin and crunched them all haha! Hey, whatever keeps her happy and having fun, I’m all for it!

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