
Valentine’s Craft Headquarters

We’ve finally made it through January, the longest month in history and onto the first Friday in February. The only problem? It’s 30 degrees out and sleeting rain. So, I’ve mustered up every Valentine’s Craft I could think of and currently word vomiting it out into this blog while my kids are putting glue all over the supplies. Honestly though, on a day we’re stuck inside, in the basement playroom no less while our contractor finishes up our kitchen renovation I’m okay with glue, paint and whatever keeps us sane. Hopefully you’ll be able to do a few of these while we all wait out the ice storm this morning & afternoon.

Our first craft is a super cute little tissue paper activity we named “I love you to pieces”. This one was really simple, you’ll need glue, paper and we used the tissue paper I already had cut up from when we made dream catchers, but you can also just use regular ripped up paper. I wrote on the paper with a marker “I love you to pieces” and then drew a bit of a deformed heart before handing it to the kids to glue the pieces of tissue paper on. This one was definitely the easiest one to put together but sometimes activities don’t need to require a lot of supplies, they just need to be interactive and engaging.

Our second craft was really only worked on by my oldest, my daughter was way too preoccupied playing with the tiny pieces of tissue paper from our pervious craft to move on to this activity. This was our “Paper plate threaded heart” and I think he really enjoyed it, he was so focused on it (just look at that concentration) and he made it his very own! All you’ll need here is a paper plate and some string. The other day when I was trying to waste some time with my daughter we went to the dollar store and picked up a few plates and bowls so I had a paper plate with a heart on it already to use, but definitely not a necessity. If you have a regular paper plate that will work fine, just take your hole puncher and punch out the shape of a heart. Then grab a piece of string and hand it over to those busy little hands to get to work.

Third craft was a blast from the preschool past because I’m pretty sure we all used to make this same little Valentine’s Heart guy growing up. I had a few felt hearts from previous Michael’s visits but if you have construction paper that will work too, along with some glue, googly eyes and some white paper and you’re set to go. I cut up a few pieces of white paper and we worked on folding them together for arms and legs, then grabbed our glue and started gluing on the extremities and if you’re my daughter 100’s of googley eyes. Easy peasy and oh so cute!

Next craft was the messiest of the bunch because if involved a painted handprint and a bunch of Elmers glue. We started by cutting a few squares out of paper and then writing some silly phrases on each one. My son then grabbed the glue to attach a few popsicles sticks and some stickers before I painted their tiny little hands and we put them on the paper. This one was probably their favorite because, let’s be serious, who’s kid doesn’t LOVE getting their hands covered in paint??

Last and least because we’ve now officially made it through the morning and onto the quiet time is a “Fill up my heart” cut out with some good ole fashion contact paper and cardboard. I love contact paper, it’s actually the best thing to have tucked away in the craft closet. It’s sticky so you can use it as a board to stick tissue paper, puff balls, googley eyes, pipe cleared, or construction paper (are you catching on) to it, or it also works as a dry erase board and you can draw, trace and erase over and over again. The supplies here are contact paper, cardboard, and whatever you have laying around that will stick to contact paper

Thanks for checking out my Valentine’s Day Craft headquarters! Hopefully you have some supplies hidden away to be able to put some of these together! Thankfully a lot of them are things you’ll probably already have laying around, plates, paper, glue, stickers, but if not I have a few other, non -Valentines day crafts on my blog too, so make sure to check those out! And Happy February!

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