
Rainbow fruit loop necklace

We’ve (some how) made it through the longest two months in the history of time and are about 3 weeks away from wrapping up and kicking this winter to the curb. But, before we do we need to celebrate one of my most favorite Holidays, St. Patrick’s Day! It may be because I grew up in the Irish Riviera, or because Guinness has grown on me in recent years but I really do love St. Patrick’s Day!

We have a bunch of crafts on deck for this year, along with some repeats we did last year that the kids loved (check them out under “Crafts”!). This one is sure to be a hit though among littles and bigs alike, assuming they enjoy eating sugar topped with sugar as a midday snack like mine do :o)

Today we put together some St. Patrick’s Day Fruit Loop necklaces and as you can see from the pictures, my son did a great job following along the rainbow pattern I sent up on mine and my daughter did an equally amazing job eating 2/3 of her necklace pieces instead of actually stringing them together.

The best thing, in my opinion, about this craft is that it can be put together with very minimal effort from me, which is always nice when the goal of the activity is to keep the kids busy so mommy can get some work done. The only supplies you’ll need are fruit loops, string and if you want to get fancy a shamrock made out of green construction paper. Since the idea for the necklaces was to have them rainbow colored I started off by making my own very small necklace first so they could follow along with the pattern in their own way. They loved making these, and have officially broken the record of asking for snacks by requesting 1,000 plus times to eat the remaining Fruit loops that we didn’t end up stringing. If you’re in need of a great, easy and engaging activity in the all but certain snow day we’ll end up having between now and St. Patrick’s Day then definitely keep this one in your playbook!

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