
Pompom rainbow counting board

I’ve been going through the overwhelming number of cardboard boxes to put together some crafts for mornings I have meetings and the kids are faced with some quality head to the playroom and occupy yourself time. Sometimes grabbing a premade easily prepared craft is the best thing to do because for whatever reason, using recycled material seems so intriguing to them. A few days ago I snagged a couple supplies from the craft corner, my glue gun and a cardboard box and put together this pompom centric activity board. They enjoyed it although honestly anytime I bring out the pompoms they seems to enjoy the task, whether it’s put them in, stick them on or even, my favorite, throw them around the room 🙂

You’re supplies here are very few: cardboard, glue, scissors, pompoms and some dot stickers. First start off by cutting 10 pieces of cardboard that you’ll poking holes in. I used a pen and punched holes 1-10 in the difference scraps before gluing them onto the bigger piece of cardboard. I then simply numbered the strips 1 through 10 on the bottom and wrote out the numbers one through ten on the top.

For the color the rainbow portion I used 9 dot stickers and placed then on a piece of cardboard and then with my pen made 9 holes. Once it was all ready I glued it onto the same larger piece of cardboard and then wrote the colors of the rainbow. My oldest really focused on the activity at hand, and my youngest enjoyed putting together the rainbow and then decided her task was to dump all the pompoms on the floor and run through them like a splash pad , hey, whatever keeps you occupied kid!

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