
Edible sand art

Who’s ready for summer break? Welp guess what, ready or not, it’s here! I, for one, LOVE summer, the heat, the beach, the late nights by the firepit, it’s hard to pick one thing that’s my favorite. Our love for the beach though is hard to beat so the sand, or in some cases if you live on the South Shore the nonexistent sand, was the inspiration for this activity! This craft was one that both my kids liked which is always the best kind to find, plus my daughter could eat it throughout which I think is her favorite. Anything that keeps them busy and entertained for almost *2* hours though is a winner for me!

As much as I try not to waste any food, sometimes cereal just doesn’t make the cut. We seem to open it more than we eat it and the ones we select in the grocery store, we don’t actually like anymore by the time it makes it to the kitchen table :o) So, for the sand, I raided our pantry and grabbed the 1/2 eaten box of Fruit Loops and remining cheerios that were about to end up in the garbage can.

From here on out my kids helped with every step of the way, which is why I think they really enjoyed creating these jars. To make the sand art we first needed to sort all the Fruit Loops out by color and then grind them in the food processor. Once that was done I took a few of our empty cleaned out plastic spice containers and we headed outside. I, then, gave eat kid a spoon, a few jars and they went to town!

So easy, so much fun, and so tasty 🙂 Just make sure you don’t mistakenly put this sand art with the real ones they have in their rooms on their shelves because these will only last a few days before you’ll want to empty them out, just make sure to keep the containers, you never know when little plastic bottles will come in handy!

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