
Santa binoculars!

How are your kids holding up the last few days before Christmas? Have the officially reached peak excitement level like ours have? And maybe more importantly, how are YOU holding up?? Our kids finished up Preschool for the year a few days ago so they have been home playing Santa, drawing Santa, being Santa, watching Santa and every other related Santa thing you can think of! They are beyond excited for the Holiday.

We’ve been talking a lot about how Santa flies around the world on Christmas Eve and if you’re lucky you might just spot his sleigh, which got me thinking…they love to use their binoculars when we go for hikes and look for birds or sit at the beach and scan for boats in the distance, so why not make some specifically for Christmas Eve!

There really isn’t much to these, paper towel or toilet paper rolls, some glue, string and anything you have to decorate with, wrapping paper, stickers, markers, everything will work here!

First, I gave each kid a roll and had them decorate each one, they colored on them, stuck things to them and even stamped them! Then, we glued them together, cut a hole in each one and tied some string and voilà all done! Or so I thought 🙂 when my son looked through he said he needed a lens on the end, which of course I didn’t have just laying around, so we grabbed some plastic wrap and a sparkly pipe clearer and glued them to the ends opposite the string and that seemed to do the trick! Now, they are all ready to try and spot Santa and his reindeer as he flies over our house on his way around the world!

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