
Alphabet Turkey

With my oldest now in kindergarten he’s been learning his letters at school. We’ve been practicing a bit at home to help him in recognizing both upper and lower case ones, a concept I don’t think I’ve realized was probably pretty confusing until recently. His desire to learn to read though is wonderful and the way he enjoys kindergarten is the best, hopefully that love for school sticks around!

I created two different alphabet turkeys for this activity, one for my kindergartener with upper and lower case letters and one for my preschooler with only upper case letters. There are only three things you’ll need for this craft and if you don’t have dot stickers you can always use some plain paper and give your kids some glue to match the letters.

The first step is to draw a turkey on your paper, or you can always have your little turkey draw the turkey on the paper themselves. After you draw the bird and an outline of it’s feathers the next part is to write the letters inside, here you can definitely do whatever letters your kid(s) know. Then take the dot stickers and write the corresponding letters on them. For my son I wrote the lower case letters on the paper and the upper case letters on the dot stickers so he had to match them together, for my daughter I wrote the upper case on both the paper and the dots.

Both kids filled in their turkeys three different times! I was very impressed and honestly a little shocked at the amount of fun they had but stickers and matching I suppose sometimes can’t be beat! You can always do this with numbers too if they already know their letters, or if you just want to keep them busy, write numbers 1-10 on the paper and then draw 1-10 on the stickers and have them match! I hope your kids enjoy this one as much as mine did!

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