
Coffee Filter Turkey

My little girl is a big fan of coloring things, no thankfully not the walls, but not really paper either. She loves to color on paper cups, styrofoam plates, and plastic containers so it was no surprise she loved coloring on some coffee filters I had in my craft bins in the basement. Her median of choice is always the markers, which worked out well for this activity since that’s what we wound up using.

There are not a lot of supplies you’ll need for these, but they also may not be things you have just laying around the house. In order to create these turkeys you’ll need some white coffee filters, markers, construction paper, glue and a spray bottle. I also had a tray because I envisioned this being a bit of a mess [the soaking wet filters covered in marker and turning into a puddle] and I was correct so I would suggest a tray or a cookie sheet for them to use as well.

First grab the coffee filters and the markers and color the entire filter in, they will end up being the turkeys feathers. After they finish coloring them put the filters on the tray you’re using and spray them with some water, you’ll see the colors start to fade together and make a more ‘tie-dyed’ look. Once you have sprayed them set them aside to dry, and maybe try to encourage your kids not to pick them up and walk around the house dripping wet marker everywhere 🙂

After the filters have dried off take your turkey bodies that you’ve cut out of brown construction paper and glue them into the middle of the filter, then add a beak, a wattle and some eyes and there you have it, a little coffee filter transformed into a cute little turkey! Enjoy!

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