
Fork Painted Turkey

A few weeks ago I hosted a Buddy Walk in our town to help raise awareness and promote inclusion for the Down syndrome community in honor of my perfect little baby boy. It was a beautifully wonderful day and we had the absolute most fun! I can not wait to do it again next year! I did learn though that boy did I order way too much pizza and my amazing friends pitched in and we way overestimated the snacks, salads, and donuts that we’d actually need, which I guess isn’t the worst thing! It did mean though we had an abundance of both plastics forks, plates and cups around our house once it was over. The other day I decided to use some of the forks and plates for an adorable little fork painted turkey that we both definitely enjoyed making!

In order to make these little guys you’ll need paint, forks, paper, scissors and if you’re like me, one sweet little chick ready to get going!

I started by letting her pick out what paint colors she wanted to use and from there we squirted them out onto the plate. Then we grabbed one fork per paint color and that was pretty much it! She went to town decorating a few of these turkeys and had a real blast in the process.

I may or may not have even joined in on the third go round with one of my own turkeys while she created these other sweet ones herself.

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