
Q-tip Turkey Feathers

Turkey craft number 108124 of the Thanksgiving season but I have to say this one was my personal favorite. The majority of time my purpose for setting activities up for my kids is to keep them busy so I can accomplish something, feeding the baby, making dinner, or even taking a shower, without them standing directly behind me 🙂 But, this time, I was such a fan of it that I decided to sit with her and make one too! Check back in with me later about how much laundry I’ll still need to put away which will now take twice as long since I’ll have two (unsanctioned) helpers.

This activity, like most of the ones I pull together these days, has basic supplies you’ll most likely already have at home. Grab some paint, q-tips and some paper and vwah-lah, q-tip turkey feathers all around! I also added some crayons to draw on the body and googley eyes but honestly you can use paint for those parts too if you’d like.

My daughter loooooves painting, and markers, and anything else she can use on paper and then magically get all over her hands and be totally dumbfounded about how it got there. Spoiler alert, she did it.

To set up this craft first cut a turkey body out of some construction paper, but since we’re on our 12th turkey activity I have a few still laying around. Grab some paint, and some q-tip and have your kid(s) or yourself, dip in one Q-tip per paint and then dot onto the white paper to turn into the feathers! Fun, cute and a good way to keep your little one occupied long enough to enjoy your coffee while it’s still hot.

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