Hikes & Trails

North Hill Marsh – Duxbury, MA

Saturday mornings (it is Saturday right) these days consist of grabbing a coffee, a treat for the kids and then finding a hike to explore. Today we ventured to North Hill Marsh in Duxbury, a conservation area of over 820 acres!

The Mass Audobon website describes North Hill Marsh as “a sanctuary within a refuge” and it’s so accurate. There are 5 miles, although we definitely didn’t make it that far, of trails that loop around a giant pond and have some really cool observation decks along the way.

We took the yellow marked trail to the blue loop trail and coaxed our son halfway around the pond with a donut we pick up for him from SlackTide Coffee in Marshfield (side note – if you haven’t been there yet it’s connected to Levitate Surf Shop and SO good so definitely try it out).

The trails we traveled on scored a pretty decent score on the bridge scale from us too. We also stumbled upon an opening that had a few teepees which in reality had a better view than my house all looking out over the frozen pond. We’ll definitely be back there to check it out again! Although, maybe on a day that is a tad bit warmer so I won’t have to sacrifice my gloves to double up on my kid like I did today ๐Ÿ™‚

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