Hikes & Trails

Bare Cove Park – Hingham, MA

Today was the kind of perfect *almost* Spring Day we dream about in New England. The skies were a crisp blue, the wind was scarce and the temp was over 50 degrees. Plus, my son is back at Daycare 2 days a week so it was a beautiful day to spend with my daughter. Some much needed mommy, baby girl time <3. We hike a lot and she is always in the carrier, so today I thought I’d take her somewhere she could walk, but also ride in the stroller. That’s when I decided on Bare Cove Park.

Bare Cove was the first place I took my kids after the pandemic started last year. I was searching for somewhere I could bring them, but was terrified to have them near anyone. I did a lot of research before taking them there but it is a great walk, run or ride your bike spot which is exactly what we did!

Bare Cove is 480+ acre wildlife sanctuary in Hingham that used to be an ammunition depot for the Navy in the 1970s. Now, it’s someplace that families can go and enjoy the outdoors.

The great thing about this path is that it’s almost all paved, from the Conservatory Loop all the way to the Lincoln Street entrance the 5.2 miles is easy to walk. There are plenty of offshoots into the woods as well if you’d like to explore, but today we mostly stayed on the pavement [except for when we got adventurous and push the jogger through the Marshview Path.]

As far as our bridge rating for this place, there aren’t any there, but since I didn’t have my son it didn’t matter. More importantly this scores the highest on the stroller rating since it’s all paved for your babies, or dogs ( I saw a few of them) to get pushed around.

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