
Find the leprechauns gold

Saturday morning I was doing my normal grocery shopping when I strolled through the grocery store aisle and spotted the Lucky Charms. Since St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner I thought this was a cute idea my kids would enjoy and I think I was right!

We called this one “Find the leprechauns gold” because we used the gold coins I bought from Michaels the other day to fill cauldron I made out of cardboard. With the exception of the coins, you’ll probably have all the other supplies laying around your house.

The first thing you need is a cardboard box, if your house is like ours you have a delivery like once a day at your front door so I had my pick of the litter on that one. You also need some markers or colored pencils, some scissors, a zip lock bag and gold coins. A cool little side note for when you use a zip lock bag for activities is that you can remove the white “ziplock” bag logo with some nail polish remover!

Once you’ve grabbed your supplies draw a cauldron on the cardboard and cut it out with some scissors. After it’s cut take your “cleaned off” ziplock bag and tape it to the backside of the cardboard. Put one piece of tape on the bottom of the bag and the two sides. For the top of the bag, open it and put a piece of tape on only the inside part that is touching the cardboard. Then, cut out a slit on the cardboard box and also on the zip lock bag that the coins will fit in. That’s really just about it! The last thing you’ll need to do is find a place to put the box so the kids can play with it ๐Ÿ™‚

Supplies: cardboard, markets, tape, scissors, ziplock bag, nail polish remover, gold coins

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