
Hi there!

I’m Danielle, a stay at home mom, with two kids and two dogs, who is also juggling working a 40 hour a week office job (#pandemiclife). I grew up on the South Shore of Massachusetts going to Humarock Beach, learning to ride my bike in the Humarock parking lot and scanning the shores for sea glass. After graduating from Marshfield High School in 2005 I went to college at Clemson University (Go Tigers!) before moving to Colorado. When I moved back to MA I met my husband, Jeff, and we were hitched in 2015. The love for Humarock never left me and I convinced my husband that’s where we belong, and we bought our first house down the road from the beach in 2016 😊

    We had our first baby in March 2018, Giovanni, the love of our lives! And by the end of 2019 our hearts grew by one when we welcomed our sweet baby girl Alanna into the world. Welp, that’s just about the time normal life ended and quarantine life became the new norm! I’ve always been a crafter, baker and wanna-be chef but lock down really turned those passions into overdrive. That’s when Humarock Mom was born!