• Hikes & Trails

    Maple Swamp Conservation, Sandwich Ma

    It’s the first day of February break, are your kids already telling you they’re bored? How about you, are you already overstimulated by how these little Tasmanian devils can dirty up their 1st pair of clothes, dishes and playrooms all before 9 am??  This year we are doing a staycation, which I swore we wouldn’t do after last February vacation, but here we are! Thankfully the weather forecast doesn’t look terrible and today the sun is already shining! To help keep you and yours busy this week, I’ll be sharing a few fun day trips, hikes, playgrounds and science experiences that we’ve been doing together. The first day trip takes you…

  • Crafts

    Fork Painted Turkey

    A few weeks ago I hosted a Buddy Walk in our town to help raise awareness and promote inclusion for the Down syndrome community in honor of my perfect little baby boy. It was a beautifully wonderful day and we had the absolute most fun! I can not wait to do it again next year! I did learn though that boy did I order way too much pizza and my amazing friends pitched in and we way overestimated the snacks, salads, and donuts that we’d actually need, which I guess isn’t the worst thing! It did mean though we had an abundance of both plastics forks, plates and cups around…

  • Crafts

    Alphabet Turkey

    With my oldest now in kindergarten he’s been learning his letters at school. We’ve been practicing a bit at home to help him in recognizing both upper and lower case ones, a concept I don’t think I’ve realized was probably pretty confusing until recently. His desire to learn to read though is wonderful and the way he enjoys kindergarten is the best, hopefully that love for school sticks around! I created two different alphabet turkeys for this activity, one for my kindergartener with upper and lower case letters and one for my preschooler with only upper case letters. There are only three things you’ll need for this craft and if…

  • Crafts

    Coffee Filter Turkey

    My little girl is a big fan of coloring things, no thankfully not the walls, but not really paper either. She loves to color on paper cups, styrofoam plates, and plastic containers so it was no surprise she loved coloring on some coffee filters I had in my craft bins in the basement. Her median of choice is always the markers, which worked out well for this activity since that’s what we wound up using. There are not a lot of supplies you’ll need for these, but they also may not be things you have just laying around the house. In order to create these turkeys you’ll need some white…

  • Crafts

    Q-tip Turkey Feathers

    Turkey craft number 108124 of the Thanksgiving season but I have to say this one was my personal favorite. The majority of time my purpose for setting activities up for my kids is to keep them busy so I can accomplish something, feeding the baby, making dinner, or even taking a shower, without them standing directly behind me 🙂 But, this time, I was such a fan of it that I decided to sit with her and make one too! Check back in with me later about how much laundry I’ll still need to put away which will now take twice as long since I’ll have two (unsanctioned) helpers. This…

  • Crafts

    Leaf Turkey

    I still can’t believe Thanksgiving is only a week away! If you’re house is anything like ours we have been teetering between Thanksgiving and Christmas since Halloween ended and the kids are loving every second of it! Although I am a big time summer gal, I do love a good fall day. I’m all for the fall fests, the changing of the leaves and come on, that crisp fall air really can’t be beat! I’ve learned a few things over the last 5 1/2 years of being a mom and one of them is that there is just nothing more fun for these kids than making a giant pile of…

  • Family

    The Lucky Few

    Hi Friends! It’s been a while since I had time to sit and put my thoughts to paper, or in this case, to the keyboard. However after pondering over some negativity towards my beautiful baby boy the other day I decided it was time to jump back in and share some feelings and thoughts I haven’t before. To help others from all walks of life know and recognize: Down syndrome is beautiful. After Bennett was born in May, I joined a New Moms Support Group, and one thing that everyone kept harping on was the importance of journaling, a healthy and easy way to get my thoughts out to help…

  • Crafts

    Lobster boat coloring page

    Hi there! Here on the South Sore of MA we love the beach and all things water! We send our summers watching the lobster boats pull into the town pier to show off their haul from the mornings fishing trip. Share our love for ocean? Enjoy this coloring page of a lobster boat off the shore near a lighthouse!

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Visit a local farm!

    February Vacation is upon us on the South Shore and we have basically nothing planned, which is great but also a bit of a stressor for me. Since I don’t have the week off from work it’s important for me to keep the kids busy (and at times out of my hair while I’m in meetings) but easier said than done am I right? There is one go-to activity that I always count on during a time we have nothing planned, visiting a local farm! Lucky for us there are numerous ones throughout the area! Take a look with me at some of our favorite ones and see what they…

  • Crafts

    Santa binoculars!

    How are your kids holding up the last few days before Christmas? Have the officially reached peak excitement level like ours have? And maybe more importantly, how are YOU holding up?? Our kids finished up Preschool for the year a few days ago so they have been home playing Santa, drawing Santa, being Santa, watching Santa and every other related Santa thing you can think of! They are beyond excited for the Holiday. We’ve been talking a lot about how Santa flies around the world on Christmas Eve and if you’re lucky you might just spot his sleigh, which got me thinking…they love to use their binoculars when we go…