• Hikes & Trails

    Marshfield Bridle Rail Trail

    Can you even believe we are one week away from Christmas?? If you stepped outside today to the 60 degree weather you may think Halloween was right around the corner instead but nope, it’s actually mid-December. It’s been a crazy few weeks in our house, more so I suppose than usual, between the dozens of Busy Binder orders, cookie orders, baby girls 2nd birthday party and just all around Holiday planning my mind has been pulled in a 100 different directions. So, today I decided I needed a day off from all of it, with only one thing on my agenda: spending time with my two silly kiddos. We are…

  • Recipes

    Festive Fall Kale Salad

    Do you ever crave a veggie packed dinner? SAME, which make sense given I’ve been a vegetarian for 6 years. With Thanksgiving a week away I always try and figure out something for me to eat, mostly because my Aunt who usually hosts us all has enough to do, adding a “vegetarian friendly” dish isn’t something I want to burden her with. My go to the past few holidays is always “Beet” Wellington, get what I did there, and it’s actually delicious! The recipe I like to use is from The Lazy Cat Kitchen, I just omit the nutritional yeast but other than that I follow it, here’s the recipe…

  • Recipes

    Easy to make lasagna

    OhMyGoodness, any day now my best friend is due to have her first baby and I am so excited for her!!! I’m also pretty sure that if she has him on the day that I guess I get to pick his middle name (although I may or may not have embellished on the exact terms of the bet) I think technically her exact words were “you don’t actually win anything” but that’s still up for debate. Anywho, since I love cooking and she’s very pregnant I offered to make her a few freezer meals to help get through those first few days home from the hospital! When I had my…

  • Recipes

    Mushroom, broccoli & cheese casserole

    Freezer meal nรบmero dos! And the good thing about this one is it’s even easier than the last one! I love mushrooms, almost as much as my loyal 14 year old dog companion who decided to eat one over the weekend and then had to get rushed to the emergency vet. No worries, dog is good, mushroom wasn’t toxic and maybe he’ll be a little less daring and not eat random things out of the mulch anymore, although I won’t hold my breath on that one. When I was deciding on what freezer meals I wanted to create for the soon to be madre I wanted to make sure I…

  • Recipes

    Mediterranean quinoa bake

    Here we are, meal three of four of my freezer meal dinners I made for my friend due tomorrow to have her first baby!! Thoughts on quinoa? Sometimes my kids are not interested in it at all, and other times they scoop it up right up like macaroni and cheese, which is pretty spot on with how they are with everything they eat. One day they like it, one day they don’t. Lucky (or maybe unlucky for them) when I write out our weekly menu they know what day I’m make it , whether they eat it or not it’s where it’s unpredictable. This quinoa bake though usually ends up…

  • Recipes

    Sweet potato, black bean enchiladas

    Okay people, my fourth and final freezer meal and drumroll please, it’s packed full of veggies and should only be eaten on Tuesdays. Fine, I’m kidding about the 2nd part, I guess other people eat Mexican other days of the week but for me if I’m cooking on a Tuesday, I’m cooking Mexican. These enchiladas though are too are super yummy and great no matter when you decide to eat them. I’m pretty sure my husband has a love/hate relationship with sweet potatoes, he loves when I cook but he hates when I cook them LOL. Fortunately for him, this meal wasn’t for us so he didn’t have to pretend…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Bike & Stroller Friendly Trails

    New England in the Fall can be a really special time, the changing leaves, the crisp air and the hours spent outside are favorites for us. If you’ve ever lived somewhere that doesn’t truly experience the different seasons like I did in College you appreciate them little more when you come back home. Over the last year and a half I’ve been checking out all sorts of trails around us on the South Shore and something I didn’t ever realize before having babies was that stroller friendly ones are few and far between. Now, with so many more people looking to get out with their families I thought I’d write…

  • Crafts

    Spooky spaghetti

    This…this is the bin that you need to bookmark, screen shot, do whatever will help you to remember it but if you want some time to be able to accomplish a task while your kids have their hands occupied this will do it! A spooky spaghetti sensory bin, filled with all sorts of Halloween inspired trinkets that I’ve picked up from the Dollar store and the $1 section at Target. I’ve made dozens of activities for them with dried pasta but it never occurred to me try one with cooked macaroni until last weekend when dinner turned into it’s own squishy mess. I took a cue from their joy of…

  • Crafts

    Apple Picking (for under $10)

    It’s the beginning of October which can only mean one thing in New England, time for the most ‘basic’ fall activity there is, Apple Picking! There’s something about Apple Picking that we all just find so much fun, this year was actually the best one yet because we went to a super small local farm here in town and we all absolutely loved it! What did the kids love so much you ask? Ladders, tons and tons of real ladders for them to climb! Aside from being a fun family friendly activity, for all ages, Apple Picking can get a bit pricey, when you add in the apple cider and…

  • Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Ogunquit, Maine: The Way Life Should Be

    This past week my husband and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary :). It’s been a crazy busy summer, and before we dove into preschool, soccer and all the other extracurricular activities that start back up in the Fall we wanted to take a weekend to FINALLY relax. Pre-Covid my husband traveled a decent amount, but with tradeshows and in-person meetings put on hold last year, this getaway was our first time without our kids since my daughter was born (just about 2 years ago!) I was definitely nervous, although I knew my kids were in great hands with my parents, but after focusing every meal, activity and outing on…