• Hikes & Trails

    Hatch Lot Conservation – Norwell, MA

    I discovered the Hatch Lot Conservation like I do most trails, I drove by and the sign caught my eye. So I put in my mental hikes memory bank until we got home. The Hatch Lot trails are located right behind Hornstra Farms, which means we’ll be back to go again in the Spring when the ice cream window opens. This trail is about a a mile long through the woods behind the farm and a few neighborhoods before it dips out into the Burnt Plain Swamp. The swap itself is hundreds of acres and has two different watersheds according to the North South River Watershed Association, which they said…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Willowbrook Farm – Pembroke, MA

    Willowbrook Farm in Pembroke is up there as one of the best hikes we’ve been on in recent memory. It’s filled with adventure on both trails that are found on the Wildland Trust Preserve property. The area is over 120 acres and is actually made up of 6 different properties all of which were either donated or purchased between 1997 – 2005. There are tons of different trees and shrubs that grow in the location and a few of them are marked with plaques like a giant white oak. From the parking lot you’ll walk through a gate past the sign at the entrances to the trail, walk through the…

  • Crafts

    Dinosaur Stomp Sensory Tray

    Have you ever heard the Dinosaur Stomp song by Mother Goose Club? It’s really cute, even after you listen to it for 3 weeks straight like we have…That song is literally stuck in my head every night after the kids go to bed. So as I sat there the other day singing it; dinosaurs have great big feet that stomp stomp stomp, I came up with an idea for this super cute sensory tray. This takes at least a night to set up because of the water beads, unless you buy the “premade” ones that Michaels sells. I also used our left over chocolate ooblek that we made for some…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Harbor Park – Marshfield, MA

    On a day that is just me and my daughter I usually try and look for a walk outside that is pavement, or at least a little smooth so I can take the stroller, definitely a lot easier when it’s just the two of us instead of having her in the carrier. I feel like I’m always on the hunt for places that are further away that I forget what we have on the other side of town. So, today we trekked over to Brant Rock to the Harbor Park in Marshfield near the Town Pier. Harbor Park itself is one of the locations that is connected by the Harbor…

  • Hikes & Trails

    North River Wildlife Sanctuary – Marshfield , MA

    We’ve hiked the North River Wildlife sanctuary a few times down to the North River viewing platform, one time we were even lucky enough to see the bald eagles that live in the trees in the area. We really like this hike, it’s pretty easy and has great options for everyone both kids and adults. From the parking lot there are different directions you can venture. First, you can pass by the visitors center across Summer Street to the River Loop. There are two off shoot here into the woods, the 1st is called the Red Maple Loop which is a short cut through in the woods that reconnects to…

  • Crafts

    Toddler Busy Book

    A few weeks ago we ventured to NH for a family get away [see my pervious posts about North Conway ๐Ÿ™‚ ] Before we left I put together a busy book for my son and it was a HIT, both with him and on my instagram page. I got so many questions about it and requests to create some that I went ahead and did! These busy books are amazing, they are wonderful for independent play and encourage problem solving all while they make learning FUN. I created these and have been working on my Etsy store to get them up and out to you! Each one of my busy…

  • Recipes

    Cauliflower Steaks

    I never really ate much cauliflower until I became vegetarian, but I also never ate much steak, wasn’t ever a fan…so cauliflower + steak wouldn’t have been on my radar. Well, half of that statement has definitely changed and I now eat a whole mess of cauliflower and turning it into steaks might just be my favorite. These cauliflower steaks are so easy, the hardest part is cutting them up so they remain “steak-like”. You only need a few spices for a quick rub before you pop it in the oven, I served it along side some grits and roasted asparagus and it came out delicious! Cauliflower Steaks Prep: 5…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Turkey Hill & Weir River Farm – Hingham, MA

    We’ve been to Weir River Farm a few times, for their open barnyard, the Farm Fall Festival and during the pandemic I booked the kids and our friends for one of the family animal encounters {although mommy had a liitttle bit to much wine the night before and didn’t make it to that one ;o)} Today we parked in the parking lot on 3A in Hingham at the bottom of Turkey Hill and hiked to the top through the woods to the spectacular view of the Boston skyline. The hill itself is 187 feet from the bottom to the top, but it’s worth it on a clear day because you…

  • Hikes & Trails

    Ellis Estates – Scituate, MA

    I am so ready for Spring, I want the weather, the birds chirping and the sun setting later. My kids are ready for Spring too, especially once we told them it rains a lot during the season and everything turns to mud. Well, they got a nice taste of playing in the mud during our walk along the Ellis Estates Trail! It snowed a few weeks ago, and slowly but surely it’s been melting, with the help of some warmer days and some intermittent rain, it was the perfect recipe for a nice mud fest in the woods. Getting a little bit dirty (or a lotta bit dirty) sure makes…

  • Hikes & Trails

    Bare Cove Park – Hingham, MA

    Today was the kind of perfect *almost* Spring Day we dream about in New England. The skies were a crisp blue, the wind was scarce and the temp was over 50 degrees. Plus, my son is back at Daycare 2 days a week so it was a beautiful day to spend with my daughter. Some much needed mommy, baby girl time <3. We hike a lot and she is always in the carrier, so today I thought I’d take her somewhere she could walk, but also ride in the stroller. That’s when I decided on Bare Cove Park. Bare Cove was the first place I took my kids after the…