
  • Crafts

    Alphabet matching board

    Over the past few months both kids have really been working on the alphabet, at 2, my youngest has been trying to master the ABC song, which is absolutely adorable. My oldest can pretty much always identify the uppercase letters so we’ve been focusing more on lower case and let me tell you, I’ve never realized how confusing it must be that each sound actually has two corresponding letters. So to help him recognize both upper and lower case I created this alphabet matching game out of only three supplies, a cardboard box, some popsicle sticks and a marker! The first thing you’ll need here is a cardboard box, which…

  • Crafts

    Rainbow fruit loop necklace

    We’ve (some how) made it through the longest two months in the history of time and are about 3 weeks away from wrapping up and kicking this winter to the curb. But, before we do we need to celebrate one of my most favorite Holidays, St. Patrick’s Day! It may be because I grew up in the Irish Riviera, or because Guinness has grown on me in recent years but I really do love St. Patrick’s Day! We have a bunch of crafts on deck for this year, along with some repeats we did last year that the kids loved (check them out under “Crafts”!). This one is sure to…

  • Crafts

    Valentine’s Craft Headquarters

    We’ve finally made it through January, the longest month in history and onto the first Friday in February. The only problem? It’s 30 degrees out and sleeting rain. So, I’ve mustered up every Valentine’s Craft I could think of and currently word vomiting it out into this blog while my kids are putting glue all over the supplies. Honestly though, on a day we’re stuck inside, in the basement playroom no less while our contractor finishes up our kitchen renovation I’m okay with glue, paint and whatever keeps us sane. Hopefully you’ll be able to do a few of these while we all wait out the ice storm this morning…

  • Crafts

    Spooky spaghetti

    This…this is the bin that you need to bookmark, screen shot, do whatever will help you to remember it but if you want some time to be able to accomplish a task while your kids have their hands occupied this will do it! A spooky spaghetti sensory bin, filled with all sorts of Halloween inspired trinkets that I’ve picked up from the Dollar store and the $1 section at Target. I’ve made dozens of activities for them with dried pasta but it never occurred to me try one with cooked macaroni until last weekend when dinner turned into it’s own squishy mess. I took a cue from their joy of…

  • Crafts

    Apple Picking (for under $10)

    It’s the beginning of October which can only mean one thing in New England, time for the most ‘basic’ fall activity there is, Apple Picking! There’s something about Apple Picking that we all just find so much fun, this year was actually the best one yet because we went to a super small local farm here in town and we all absolutely loved it! What did the kids love so much you ask? Ladders, tons and tons of real ladders for them to climb! Aside from being a fun family friendly activity, for all ages, Apple Picking can get a bit pricey, when you add in the apple cider and…

  • Crafts

    Back to School sensory bin

    I think every day for the past 3 weeks I’ve said, “I can’t believe my little boy is starting preschool soon!” Well, I better believe it because it’s officially back to school time in our house with Preschool a week away. Since we’re in the mood for school I put together a few school centric activities for today. My littlest one really loved the bin I created and my oldest enjoyed the letter activity, although after a while we had the pasta in the beans and the letters riding the school buses but that’s okay! One of my favorite things about putting things together for them is to see how…

  • Crafts

    Edible Sensory Tray

    Mud, pebbles, and grass oh my! Doesn’t sound very edible does it? Don’t worry, I didn’t actually give my kids mud and tell them they could eat it, although I’m not sure they wouldn’t have actually enjoyed that. A few months ago my husband made some Jell-O for them and they loved it. I’ve never really cared for it, plus as a vegetarian it’s not something I eat (did you know Jell-O wasn’t vegetarian friendly??) but that didn’t stop me from following up their Jell-O loving experience by raiding the aisle at the grocery store. Fast forward to yesterday and S-U-R-P-I-S-E, it was all still in the cabinet. I noticed…

  • Crafts

    The Oyster and the Pearl

    What are your thoughts on Oysters? Do you love them, hate them, never tried them or just plain indifferent? I never was a huge fan, I thought they were a little too slimy and booger like to put it bluntly, which is really quite odd considering my love for steamers. This summer though, after our 50th trip to Island Creek Oysters in Duxbury I decided to try them and now I see what I’ve been missing! Today just so happens to be National Oyster Day, but it’s also raining here on the South Shore so we turned my craving for oysters into a fun rainy day activity. First I should…

  • Crafts

    Dino Excavating

    We have two very big dinosaur lovers in our house. Dino figurines, dino trucks, dino cartoons, you name it they love it. Last weekend when we were at the beach after I made my 100th mudball filled with a hidden rock, our 500th drippy castle and our 1,000 monster truck ramp, I decided to come up with an activity that combined a few of their favorite things. To make the “dino fossils” I used the plaster of paris that I had in the basement from an old stepping stone activity, but you can also use sand (and put water in it), oobleck, or ice. You can find plaster of paris…

  • Crafts

    Rainbow Suncatcher

    Happy June! And Happy Pride Month! This month we celebrate inclusion, acceptance, and show acclamation for the Stonewall riots in 1969 which was the start of the gay rights movement in America. As parents we, of course, are raising our children to understand you treat everyone nicely and don’t hurt anyone’s feelings based on the way they look, laugh or who they love. In this crazy world it’s not always easy so an entire month dedicated to the colors of the rainbow is a beautiful thing to see! Today is off and on rain so we spent this morning creating some suncatchers in hopes we can get the sun to…