
  • Crafts

    Dyed pasta sensory tray

    Boy it’s been a while since I’ve had even five minutes to myself to get a blog written! Between kids, work, busy books, the construction at our house, dogs, or just life in general things have really been picking up around here! Like the rest of Massachusetts we are super excited, cautions and READY for our little world to start opening back up and exploring some things we haven’t been able to in a year now that restrictions have lifted here and our crew is happily all vaccinated. This past weekend was Memorial Day and we got to spend times with friends and family we haven’t seen in many many…

  • Crafts

    Ooblek monster truck mud

    Mud, I don’t know what it is about mud, but my kids are completely obsessed, everything is always “stuck in the mud” when they’re playing. Sometimes, and by that I mean basically every time we go for a hike at one point or another I have to play the game where my son pretends to be stuck in the mud and I have to help get him out. It’s been pretty rainy here, and freezing cold, which I guess is basically March in New England. So, we’ve been doing a few sensory bins, crafts and games inside and today we pulled out the Ooblek which is always a hit! If…

  • Crafts

    Trace the number dry erase board

    Contact paper is the BEST. I honestly think I’ve used three rolls of it over the last year and a half. It’s great for easy sensory boards because all sorts of things stick to it. I’ve made my fair share of them for sure! Just cut off a piece and tape it to the wall, then peel off the protective layer so the sticky part is showing, if you have any construction paper laying around that will stick to the contact paper so just rip off or cut off a couple pieces for playing. I always grab a few of the foam shapes from Michaels along with some felt and…

  • Crafts

    Find the leprechauns gold

    Saturday morning I was doing my normal grocery shopping when I strolled through the grocery store aisle and spotted the Lucky Charms. Since St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner I thought this was a cute idea my kids would enjoy and I think I was right! We called this one “Find the leprechauns gold” because we used the gold coins I bought from Michaels the other day to fill cauldron I made out of cardboard. With the exception of the coins, you’ll probably have all the other supplies laying around your house. The first thing you need is a cardboard box, if your house is like ours you…

  • Crafts

    Dinosaur Stomp Sensory Tray

    Have you ever heard the Dinosaur Stomp song by Mother Goose Club? It’s really cute, even after you listen to it for 3 weeks straight like we have…That song is literally stuck in my head every night after the kids go to bed. So as I sat there the other day singing it; dinosaurs have great big feet that stomp stomp stomp, I came up with an idea for this super cute sensory tray. This takes at least a night to set up because of the water beads, unless you buy the “premade” ones that Michaels sells. I also used our left over chocolate ooblek that we made for some…

  • Crafts

    Toddler Busy Book

    A few weeks ago we ventured to NH for a family get away [see my pervious posts about North Conway ๐Ÿ™‚ ] Before we left I put together a busy book for my son and it was a HIT, both with him and on my instagram page. I got so many questions about it and requests to create some that I went ahead and did! These busy books are amazing, they are wonderful for independent play and encourage problem solving all while they make learning FUN. I created these and have been working on my Etsy store to get them up and out to you! Each one of my busy…

  • Crafts

    Bubble Foam

    My kids LOVE bubble foam. I’ve made it a few times and every time [no fail] they play with it for at least an hour. It’s only a few ingredients that you’d most likely already have in your cabinets, and after your done everything will be nice and clean, since it’ll be covered in soap ;o) We play with the foam usually in our sensory/ craft table that my husband built. Unless I’m super lazy and don’t feel like venturing to the 2nd playroom in the basement, then we just play with it in buckets on the kitchen floor. All you need for this activity is water, corn starch, dish…

  • Crafts

    DIY Snowglobe

    As we sit here and watch the snow pile up outside, it’s make us want to play with some snow inside! Well, we obviously can’t do that, but we can make a snow globe instead. Warning: this got pretty messy, glitter wise, my husband sat in horror as he watched us get glitter all over the floor & table ;). You only need a few things here; a jar, water, clear glue and some glitter. We also took one of our squishy dinos from the Valentines Day cards I bought from the dollars store and glued it to the inside of the cover of the jar. First, get your jar…

  • Crafts

    Car Wash!

    Our sons new favorite lunch time cartoon is one we stumbled upon on Amazon when I was trying to steere him away from asking to watch Blippi constantly. Itโ€™s this show called car wash and itโ€™s basically just cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles even a helicopter going through a car wash. No words, or music, just a car washโ€ฆbut he really liked it haha, I think heโ€™s watched it like three times since then. So a few nights ago when I knew we’d be stuck inside since the weather was going to be in the single digits I decided to throw together a cardboard car wash for him to play with.…

  • Crafts

    One year old activities

    It’s been about a month since I’ve had some quality time with my baby girl, thus is the life of a second child with a super silly (attention hogging) big bro ๐Ÿ™‚ So, today me and my mini me spent all pre-nap time doing different sensory, sorting and easy to make diy activities. I have four (eek) giant bins in our basement full of craft supplies, premade crafts from Michaels, stickers, paint, markers, you name it it’s probably down there, so we went down and grabbed a few “essentials” to get our morning started. Our first, and I think her favorite activities involved my two reused and cleaned containers, I…