
  • Crafts

    Inauguration Day!

    It’s Inauguration Day! January 20, 2021 I feel like I’ve been waiting for this day forever, boy those four years were tough, but we made it! I really wanted to pop open a bottle of champagne at 11 am this morning and plop myself down in front of the news to watch the entire ceremony. But, as is the life with two toddlers, instead we packed up some snacks and headed out to a local adorable family farm before returning for some crafts. Today, in honor of Inauguration Day, we made a bald eagle out of our hand prints, construction paper and googley and also decorated a number 46 I…

  • Crafts

    Matchbox car number matching garage

    My oldest loves counting and he counts just about everything. He’s been able to count to 10 since he was 1 1/2 and recently we’ve been making it all the way to 20. Recognizing the numbers though, that’s a different story. He’s confident with numbers 1, 8 (since it kinda looks like frosty the snowman) and 10 but the other 7 are hit or miss. One thing he’s always counting are his matchbox cars and, thanks to Santa, he’ll be able to learn how to count pretty high with the amount that were stashed in his stocking. We’ve been working on number recognition quite a bit recently and this was…

  • Crafts

    Fill the Dump Truck

    We have a fleet of dump trucks, school buses and garbage trucks and they get played with every-single-day. It really doesn’t matter what toy is already out, the trucks and buses are always involved in the game. Well, if I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times, the craft supply that keeps on giving are pompoms, or puff balls as we so lovingly call them. Add some puff balls into an activity that ALSO involves a dump truck and this turned out to be something that both kids played with for an hour! There aren’t too many supplies, but there are a few that you many not have…

  • Crafts

    Sock puppets

    I’m always looking for a way to utilize the millions of googly eyes that I bought during the height of the craft stock pile I created. One easy way was to create some sock puppets. If you’re like me, you have some socks in your drawers that have probably seen better days, but are just TOO comfortable to part with, ha!   Sock puppets are a great and cute way to get your kids to have some interactive pretend play. We grabbed a few socks, some googly eyes, stickers and yarn and with a little glue came up with enough socks for our own little puppet show.

  • Crafts

    Guy Line!

    Are you constantly tripping over the million action figures, Little People, Sesame Street Characters and School bus drivers that seem to be all over the floor in the playroom? Yeah, me too! So, I have two words for you: Painters Tape. I’m not sure what it is about lines, but our 2 ½ year old LOVES them. He lines up his monster trucks, his figurines, his school buses and just about anything he can get his little hands on. So, why not give him a goal, try lining everything up on the tape without them falling over, or stepping out of line. This is legit one of the easiest activities…

  • Crafts

    Ice boats

    Ice! What a fun sensory experience for kids. What is it about holding ice that they love? Who knows, but I’ll take it. These ice boats are cute but require a few hours to set up since, you know, it’s ice. About a year ago we upgraded our old fridge for a fancy one with built in water and ice machine (it’s the little things in life) so in order to make these boats I invested in a $2 ice cube tray. Fill your tray up and cover with aluminum foil, be careful not to fill too high because it will tip when you put it in your freezer. Cut…

  • Crafts

    Dream Catcher

    There is always something magical about laying in the grass during the summer and watching the clouds go by. I can remember that feeling as a kid myself after a day of playing outside. There is something amazing about the dreams and aspirations of a little mind. Well after a week of freezing cold temperatures, the longing for summer feeling has set in and the thought of playing in the grass with my two little ones is something I find myself dreaming about all day. Which, now that I’m thinking about it, maybe this dream catcher was more for me than for them! Anyways, it’s a very easy activity for…