Kid Friendly Places to Visit

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Visit a local farm!

    February Vacation is upon us on the South Shore and we have basically nothing planned, which is great but also a bit of a stressor for me. Since I don’t have the week off from work it’s important for me to keep the kids busy (and at times out of my hair while I’m in meetings) but easier said than done am I right? There is one go-to activity that I always count on during a time we have nothing planned, visiting a local farm! Lucky for us there are numerous ones throughout the area! Take a look with me at some of our favorite ones and see what they…

  • Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Surf City & Topsail Beach – NC

    Okay let’s be honest, when you return from vacation do you immediately start thinking about how you could totally see yourself settled into a new life in that fancy new zip code? I do! 100%! And after a week in Topsail Beach, NC I’m still not sure I’ve convinced my husband I won’t be repacking our suitcases and heading back down South. This week is our first full one back to reality after an amazing time away visiting my sister in NC and we had an absolute blast! We searched for a few recommendations of kid friendly things to do, but to be honest the beautiful beaches alone are worth…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Tidmarsh – Plymouth , MA

    This week was one of the hardest weeks I could have ever imagined. On Tuesday December 28th we laid to rest our beloved dog Bruschi, the sweetest, cuddliest and best friend I could have EVER imagined over the last 14 years. We knew the day was coming but I still couldn’t have prepared for the saddest that was about to hit our house. After the loss of Bru the thought of being home literally hurt my heart so we threw ourselves into nature and explored a few places that I’ve been wanting to check out in the area. On Wednesday we visited Tidmarsh in Plymouth, a Mass Audubon location that…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Bike & Stroller Friendly Trails

    New England in the Fall can be a really special time, the changing leaves, the crisp air and the hours spent outside are favorites for us. If you’ve ever lived somewhere that doesn’t truly experience the different seasons like I did in College you appreciate them little more when you come back home. Over the last year and a half I’ve been checking out all sorts of trails around us on the South Shore and something I didn’t ever realize before having babies was that stroller friendly ones are few and far between. Now, with so many more people looking to get out with their families I thought I’d write…

  • Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Ogunquit, Maine: The Way Life Should Be

    This past week my husband and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary :). It’s been a crazy busy summer, and before we dove into preschool, soccer and all the other extracurricular activities that start back up in the Fall we wanted to take a weekend to FINALLY relax. Pre-Covid my husband traveled a decent amount, but with tradeshows and in-person meetings put on hold last year, this getaway was our first time without our kids since my daughter was born (just about 2 years ago!) I was definitely nervous, although I knew my kids were in great hands with my parents, but after focusing every meal, activity and outing on…

  • Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Martha’s Vineyard (Toddler edition)

    Hi there! It’s been a while since I’ve stopped in and that’s because we have been bussssyy! Summer is my absolute most favorite time of year, the beach, the festivals, the cookouts, friends, family, it’s all so much fun! Especially after last year some of our family is actually meeting our baby girl for the first time ever! But, that leaves me little time to actually sit down and do pretty much anything, sometimes as the end of the night I relax for 30 minutes and usually end up watching Schitts Creek for the millionth time because it’s just so friggin funny (literally though, we’ve watched the series 4 times).…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Drumlin Farms Wildlife Sanctuary – Lincoln, MA

    Today was a perfect day for a vacation day adventure. I’ve had my eye on the Mass Audubon Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary for quite a while and I decided on Monday when I checked the weather for the week I was taking today off to visit it with my kids. Sometimes during the week I feel like I can never give anything 100% of my attention, kids, work, family, husband, dogs, house, it’s definitely hard to divide my time, so it’s really important to me to make sure I get some quality time with my babies where I’m not constantly checking my email. Drumlin Farms is located in Lincoln, MA…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Willowbrook Farm – Pembroke, MA

    Willowbrook Farm in Pembroke is up there as one of the best hikes we’ve been on in recent memory. It’s filled with adventure on both trails that are found on the Wildland Trust Preserve property. The area is over 120 acres and is actually made up of 6 different properties all of which were either donated or purchased between 1997 – 2005. There are tons of different trees and shrubs that grow in the location and a few of them are marked with plaques like a giant white oak. From the parking lot you’ll walk through a gate past the sign at the entrances to the trail, walk through the…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Harbor Park – Marshfield, MA

    On a day that is just me and my daughter I usually try and look for a walk outside that is pavement, or at least a little smooth so I can take the stroller, definitely a lot easier when it’s just the two of us instead of having her in the carrier. I feel like I’m always on the hunt for places that are further away that I forget what we have on the other side of town. So, today we trekked over to Brant Rock to the Harbor Park in Marshfield near the Town Pier. Harbor Park itself is one of the locations that is connected by the Harbor…

  • Hikes & Trails,  Kid Friendly Places to Visit

    Turkey Hill & Weir River Farm – Hingham, MA

    We’ve been to Weir River Farm a few times, for their open barnyard, the Farm Fall Festival and during the pandemic I booked the kids and our friends for one of the family animal encounters {although mommy had a liitttle bit to much wine the night before and didn’t make it to that one ;o)} Today we parked in the parking lot on 3A in Hingham at the bottom of Turkey Hill and hiked to the top through the woods to the spectacular view of the Boston skyline. The hill itself is 187 feet from the bottom to the top, but it’s worth it on a clear day because you…